Zygmunt Joachim Fudakowski

by George C. Fudakowski/Ford, Zygmunt's grandson

zygmunt with guards
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handwritten notes by Rena Sobanska,
Zygmunt's granddaughter

Born in 1830, Zygmunt, son of Ignacy, was involved in the insurrection of 1863 in which the Polish people rose against the Russian occupation of Poland. He was arrested and sent for three years to Siberia, where his father had spent ten years. Wishing to avoid the repressive atmosphere of a Pole living in Russia, Zygmunt moved to Dresden, where he obtained Saxon citizenship. He returned to Warsaw where he and his wife, Kazimiera, were able to live undisturbed and where their son George and four daughters were born.

Zygmunt died in 1895, leaving behind his wife and their young children. The newspaper Stowo published an obituary.

Fudakowski-Krajewski family home